To help concrete coating and epoxy businesses grow their business and build an impact. We’re on a mission to help 1000 contractors grow their business by 150% year over year in the next 5 years.


Go the Extra Mile

At CoatingLaunch, going the extra mile isn’t just a phrase; it’s a way of operating. We believe in surpassing expectations, delivering exceptional service, and putting in the additional effort to ensure our clients succeed.

Lead by Example

We understand that true leadership is demonstrated through actions, not just words. At CoatingLaunch, we exemplify the principles and practices we teach. We set high standards for ourselves and our clients, embodying the strategies we advocate for business growth.

Accept Responsibility

Accountability is a cornerstone of our approach. We believe in owning our actions and decisions, whether they lead to success or present challenges. We encourage our clients to take responsibility for their businesses, fostering an environment where accountability cultivates growth.

Discover a new way to grow your concrete coating or epoxy business in 8 weeks or less without tons of marketing spend…

CoatingLaunch is an 8 Week Training Program to turbocharge your concrete coating or epoxy business with more revenue/profit.



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